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First performed between the years 1600-01, first printed in 1603.

Hamlet-like legends are so widely found (for example in Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, Byzantium, and Arabia) that the core 'hero-as-fool' theme is possibly Indo-European in origin. Several ancient written precursors to Hamlet can be identified. The first is the anonymous Scandinavian Saga of Hrolf Kraki. Drivers Catalog ⇒ Network & Wireless Cards ⇒ Hamlet ⇒ HAMLET Wireless 802.11 USB Adapter Drivers Installer for HAMLET Wireless 802.11 USB Adapter If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. Moretti: Network Theory 81 Figure 1. The Hamlet network Character-Network A network is made of vertices and edges; a plot, of characters and actions: characters will be the vertices of the network, interactions the edges, and this is what the Hamlet network looks like: Figure 1.2 There are some. A collection of useful notes and study guides on the play Hamlet. Hamlet is a Grade 12 network.

The Hamlet Trust Network consists of over 40 Network Member Organisations in 14 countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: from Slovenia in the west to Kyrgyzstan in the east, from Estonia in the north to Armenia in the south. This year up to 8,000 people will benefit from the work of our Network Member Organisations.

Throughout Shakespeare's plays, the maintenance of identity is a very common conflict, as it was shown in Macbeth and now in Hamlet. In this play Shakespeare has portrayed young Hamlet to convey the two sides to him; one side shows his insane behaviour towards his family, the other side determines his thoughts of either doing right or wrong according to what he has seen. The play trembles with conflicts: one being identity, which shows all the characters in different disputes of their own. We also see the problems of lack of self-confidence, misjudgement, and betrayal.--Submitted by imran.
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TheoryFirst performance at the end of 15th century, ~ timeline, death of Elizabeth I and accession of James VI and I. First printing 1603. One of the more accessible Renaissance/early modern period texts. One constant theme of the English renaissance is the development of personal character and fame. Hamlet is portrayed as being uncertain as to whether he is the prince of the title, or student. Throughout the play Hamlet is presented with choices, of belief, of action, of love, of justice and of conscience. The play is famous for its soliloquies, where Hamlet presents the audience privately with his perceived choices. The results of his limited choices culminate in the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.--Submitted by Anonymous

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Recent Forum Posts on Hamlet

This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it proof

Why would Hamlet (Shakespeare) call this a paradox? To what works / authors might Shakespeare be referring (Donne - Why are the fairest, falsest, Guazzo - Beauty breedeth temptation)?There seems to be no paradox, but Hamlet never says anything without a reason, so what is it?

Use every man after his desert

Polonius: My lord, I will use them accoding to their desert.Hamlet: God's bodkin, man, much better! Use every man after his desert and who shall scape whipping? Use them after your own honor and dignity - the less they deserve the more merit is in your bounty.2.2.'Use every man after his desert and who shall scape whipping?' is one of the my favourite phrases from Hamlet, but I've possibly been reading too much into it for some time now:It would make sense if Hamlet was only talking about the players, because who else would the 'whipping' refer to? But at the same time it seems more like a general phrase to me, which might possibly even refer to EVERYONE - it might be like one of his other internal conceptions, like 'After your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live.'The two Hamlet-editions that I've got don't say much about this: the Norton doesn't mention this specifc line at all and the Arden just explains words like 'whipping': 'standard punishment for vagabounds/unlicensed players' - which leads me to believe that the editors of this edition also think that Hamlet's talking exclusively about the players, but I'm not quite satisfied with that.What does anyone else think about this?

To whom is Hamlet speaking when he says 'To be or not be?'

So, the question is: To whom is Hamlet speaking when he says 'To be or not to be?' Derek Jacobi wrote: Over the years since I first began playing Hamlet, I have become more and more convinced that 'To be or not to be' is to be treated not as a soliloquy but as a dramatic speech to Ophelia.' Add to that J. Dover Wilson's and Isaac Asimov's suggestion that Hamlet overhears Polonius before he enters in Act 2, scene 2 and we have an interesting puzzle. Therefore, is he most likely speaking to his uncle, all three characters at once or to himself? Each is possible. Most likely, I think, he is mainly speaking to his uncle.

Best conflated single edition of Hamlet?

I'm looking for a conflated single edition of Hamlet that includes all the famous lines, since my complete Shakespeare inexplicably includes only the Second Quarto despite including three versions of Lear. :frown2:

Hamlet Network & Wireless Cards Driver Download For Windows

Help With A Hamlet Essay

I'm writing an essay for a literary criticism class. I chose a psychoanalytic approach to Hamlet. I'm having trouble finding a thesis in all of my ideas. I want to write about Hamlet's Oedipal complex, because it sticks out like a sore thumb to me. But the way I see it, there are three 'fathers' (Ghost Hamlet, Claudius, and Polonius). I also think the Hamlet has identified a lot with his mother, and that's why he calls his grief and cowardice 'feminine' and compares himself to Fortinbras, who does masculine things in Hamlet's eyes. He also acts crazy towards Ophelia and thinks the same of her as he does of his mother, and I think there's something there maybe because according to Freud Hamlet needs to project his want for his mother onto another woman, and he does but that also conflicts with the anger for his mother causing the anger towards her. If you can help in any way, please do!

Hamlet's Revenge?

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What reason does Hamlet give for being so cautious in taking revenge and so thorough in his search for evidence? Is his reason convincing?

Original Hamlet

Hello. My english is not the best, so please apologize, if I make some mistakes.I want to buy 'Hamlet', written in the original english, which was used by Shakespeare. Most of the books, which I have found on the internet, are rewritten in modern-english. So, I just want to know, if there is any book, written in the original english, which you can recommend.I am looking forward to your answers; thank you!GreetingsMax

I Know a Hawk from a Handsaw - Hamlet and the Spanish Armada

(This is extracted from my free and ad-free Hamlet website, which I've been working on for over 20 years. For more, please google for 'Smith's Hyper Hamlet, then see my introductory essay, 'How to Love Hamlet.' )I Know a Hawk from a Handsaw - Hamlet and the Spanish ArmadaHAMLET (2.2.387-388}I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.BERNARDO (1.1.44-47}Last night of all,When yond same star that's westward from the poleHad made his course to illume that part of heavenWhere now it burns,The 'pole' is the North Star. 'Westward from the pole' would be 'north-northwest.' Thus 'I am but mad, north-northwest' means that Hamlet is only mad when under the influence of his father's ghost.'Pole' might also be an allusion to Reginald Pole, who, as Bloody Mary's Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, liked to call himself 'the Pole Star' because he thought of himself as the guiding star about which the English people revolved.Please see Shakespeare, Breakspear, and Broken Pole (The Prophesy) (Note: I mark my speculations with green italics. The rest is accepted historical fact.)But Reginald Pole died of a broken heart when Queen Mary died and England reverted to Protestantism. Thirty years later, Queen Mary's widower, King Phillip of Spain sent the Duke of Medina Sidonia with the Spanish Armada to bring England back to the Catholic Church by 'strong hands and terms compulsatory.' But like Hamlet, Medina was but mad north-north-west: when the wind southerly,) he was sane. On August 8, Saint Dominic's Day, Medina decided that if the wind continued to blow from the south (which it did) he would have to abandon the attack on England. He was unable to recapture the faith of Englishmen by force. He did 'it wrong, being so majestical, to offer it the show of violence, for it is, as the air, invulnerable, and vain blows malicious mockery.' St Dominic had advocated reasoning with heretics to bring them back to the Church by persuasion rather than burning them. The significance of St Dominic's Day was not lost on English Catholics.From the context, 'I know the difference between a hawk and a handsaw' clearly means 'I am in my right mind.' However, I don't know why Shakespeare used that phrase to denote sanity. It might be related to the following line in Hamlet's instructions to the players:HAMLET (3.2.4). . . Nor do not saw the airtoo much with your hand, thus, but use all gently;for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say,the whirlwind of passion, you must acquire and begeta temperance that may give it smoothness.In the tempest that had blown his Armada off course, Medina acquired and begat a temperance to abandon his vain blows against England. Perhaps 'hand' is a pun on 'Armada', similar to 'Fort-in-bras' (near French for 'strong arm').It is worth noting that Shakespeare took pains to let us know that there had been a 30-year interval between the time old Fortinbras died and the time young Fortinbras came to reclaim those lands by strong hand and terms compulsatory. There was also a 30-year interval between the time Queen Mary died and the time her widower, Prince Phillip of Spain, sent the Spanish Armada to attempt to reclaim England by strong hand and terms compulsatory.Elsewhere Hamlet alludes to another war to recover lost land, with his cryptic reference to old Jephtha.HAMLET (2.2.418)Am I not i' the right, old Jephthah?. . .HAMLET (2.2.426). . .'It came to pass, as most like it was,'As most like it was' sounds like 'so like the king that was.'BERNARDO (1.1.121-124)). . . . so like the kingthat was and is the question of these wars.That is Hamlet's dilemma - whether 'to be or not to be,' like the Ghost, 'so like the king that was and is the question of these wars.'So like so many kings, his father, or old Jephtha.The story of Jephtha, in Judges 11, sounds most like the story of the king that was and is the question of these wars. The Ammonites were preparing for war against Israel to recover land Israel had taken from them, just as young Fortinbras was preparing for war to recover of us, by strong hand and terms compulsatory, those foresaid lands so by his father lost in the fatal duel with old King Hamlet.Judges 11.12... What hast thou to do with me, that thou art come against me to fight in my land?Judges 11.13...Because Israel took away my land... now therefore restore those lands againAnd you, the judges, bear a wary eye. (5.2.278)Also please seeThe Memory Be Green - Hamlet in Historical ContextThe Madness of HamletHow to Love Hamlet

The impact of the 'Mousetrap' in the development of the story

Title says it all basically , how did this scene affect the plot (i.e. Claudius ordered Hamlet to leave for england)

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PLEASE HELP choosing a topic

Hello all! I am a college sophomore. In less than twelve hours I need to submit a 12 page essay about Hamlet. I am supposed to include another work from the course to argue with it. I was thinking Don Quixote. But if I can write a good paper without a second argument i would rather do that than submit a bad one that includes two texts. My problem is that like Hamlet I am indecisive.This is the assignment--The final 10-12 pages, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman, including works cited. These will be an argumentative analysis on a topic of your choice. These will consider two of the texts we cover.I want to write a great paper but I can't decide where to focus it. I was thinking about the idea of madness, how hamlet is relative because it focuses on the individual, Hamlet and queer theory, how it is philosophical, or existential, so on.....The problem is I do see hamlet in myself, and this makes it difficult. I am intrigued by the philosophy in Hamlet, what it means to be alive, and so forth. But I am afraid that if I take this route I will not properly analyze the text and I will not have a central argument.The point is I cannot decide or make a thesis statement to save my life right now. I am afraid I will make it a philosophy or psychology maybe even sociology paper.Any help to get me started on a solid and workable topic would be so deeply appreciated. I am open to ANY ideas.

  • Aldo Valente
  • Nelson Martins
  • Steven Spucces
  • Karen Hubbard

Aldo Valente

Registered Principal
Senior Financial Advisor

Phone: 631.393.6680
Email: aldo.valente@wfafinet.com

Aldo Valente is a Partner, Wealth Management Advisor and a Registered Principal at The Hamlet Group Wealth Management, LLC.
Before co-founding The Hamlet Group Wealth Management, Mr. Valente served as a Senior Financial Advisor at Citicorp Investment Services for 9 years where he worked closely with various high net worth bank clientele.
Mr. Valente earned the title of Associate Vice President while working at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.
Mr. Valente is a graduate of Pace University and holds the following registrations:
Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, Series 24, Series 31, Series 55, and Life & Health License.

Nelson Martins

Managing Principal
Financial Advisors

Phone: 631.393.6680
Email: nelson.martins@wfafinet.com

Nelson Martins is the Managing Principal and Financial Advisor of The Hamlet Group Wealth Management, LLC.
Nelson is a veteran in the finance business, with over 12 years working experience. His career began with Investec Ernst & Co., where he was a Senior Private Client Group Advisor. He later worked as a successful Financial Advisor for Smith Barney.
On January 13, 2010, he became one of the founders of The Hamlet Group Wealth Management, LLC. He prides himself on his knowledge and professional skills of the securities market. He takes these skills, and applies them to the every day needs, financial goals and constant commitment to his clients.
Nelson currently holds the following registrations:
Series 24, Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, and Life & Health licenses

Steven Spucces

Fundamental Choice Portfolio Manager

Phone: 631.393.6680
Email: steven.spucces@wfafinet.com

With 20 years of experience in financial services, my mission is to provide every client with targeted, comprehensive financial advice and portfolio management delivered with the highest level of personal service and professional integrity.
As a Partner, Wealth Management Advisor, I help manage assets for high net worth individuals, families and businesses. Through a long-term investment approach, I help clients develop and implement strategies for building wealth and realizing their goals. My goal is to provide objective and timely financial advice and guidance with the highest level of professional service in striving to build and preserve wealth for my clients. By focusing on each investor's specific needs, I develop strategies that help clients reach their financial goals.
I began my financial services career in 1998 for a boutique Investment House. In 2002, I joined Citicorp Investment service/ Citigroup Global Markets, where I worked for 8 years. I then moved my financial practice to Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network and started The Hamlet Group Wealth Management LLC. As a Partner, Wealth Management Advisor, I have served my investors for 10 years and look forward to helping them meet their financial goals for many years to come.
I have earned a Bachelor's degree in Business from Adelphi University. In addition to applicable securities registrations, I am a Fundamental Choice Portfolio Manager.
Committed to helping my community prosper, I am a Civic leader in The Town of Huntington. Away from the office, I enjoy Golf, Skiing and Hiking. My wife, Katherine and I live in Huntington with our children, Stella Rose and Sophia Grace.

Karen Hubbard

Senior Financial Advisor

Phone: 631.393.6680
Email: karen.hubbard@wfafinet.com

With over 30 years of experience in financial services, my mission is to provide every client with a plan based on their personal and financial goals. I believe that without a plan, there is no chance of success.
As a senior financial advisor, my clients are the foundation of my practice. I am committed to making a meaningful difference in their lives by guiding them to make well-informed financial decisions, helping them to attain their goals, and striving to exceed their expectations. My dedication to this commitment is built on providing a high level of client service, both proactively and responsively. I envision changes and challenges in my client’s lives which enables them to be prepared to meet those circumstances as they arise. I aspire to earn my clients' trust, thereby building long-lasting relationships with them and their families.
I began my financial services career at Bank of New York in 1985 as a Fixed Income Proprietary Trader. In 1998, I joined the Trust Department of North Fork Bank as an Assistant Vice President and Trust Officer for 10 years.. In 2007, I joined Smith Barney (Morgan Stanley) as a Financial Advisor. I moved my practice to Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network in May 2019 to continue to better serve my clients and help them and their families meet their financial goals for many years.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from Boston College. I live in Smithtown with family and two dogs.